People can learn sign language on Snapchat

According to (Peters, 2022), whose article talks about how Snapchat has a lens that can help a person learn American Sign Language, known as ASL Alphabet Lens, Snapchat will partner up with SignAll. This organization has built technology that translates sign language. The article talks about how this feature is impressive and that a person can trace the alphabet or mimick the hand shapes shown on the screen. So that people can memorize and fingerspell the words in sign language. It also launched other features such as stickers and augmented reality lenses with SignAll in honor of International Week of the Deaf.

I found it fascinating that Snapchat has found a way to feature a new way to learn a language on their application. Hopefully, they will offer more languages to learn on the application in the future, which can help people worldwide in terms of communication. 


Malik, A. (2022). Snapchat’s newest lens aims to teach users American sign language. TechCrunch.

Retrieved 2022, from


Peters, J. (2022). Snapchat has a new lens to help you learn the American Sign Language Alphabet. The

Verge. Retrieved 2022, from 

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1 Response to People can learn sign language on Snapchat

  1. sydhavely says:

    Wow. Who knew? Very interesting and great post.

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