#Someone – a social media campaign with temperature

The poem “Someone” was written on Tiktok for five users: a miner, a street performer, an elderly man who has been selling calendars for 40 years, a young man who returned to his hometown to start a small business, and a young girl who enjoys delivering packages with her motorcycle. Tiktok hopes to convey the real atmosphere of ordinary life through poetry. In addition to creating poetry for them, Tiktok created the hashtag #someone in order to motivate and urge more people to share their own life tales.

The hashtag #Someone serves as a reminder that it doesn’t matter whether or not a major character you are. What matters is that we are all “someones” who are alive in the world and doing everything we can to have a better life. Even if we don’t have the ability to shine like a few stars, we may still define our lives in a variety of ways. In fact, the society is supported by a large number of ordinary “someones.”

In Tiktok’s innumerable short videos, we have observed the lives and tales of countless individuals, who may be dramatic, or serene and quiet, and whose lives and stories contain countless moments of beauty, touching, happiness, miracles and so on. Tiktok has also shifted its emphasis away from content and individuals and toward connections and relationships between people, with the goal of conveying the message that “everyone can shine in their own corner”. Tikyok is evolving from a growth-oriented company to one that is increasingly focused on brand creation. The company is becoming a more socially conscious social brand. It was inherent in the birth of the Internet that ordinary people could see each other without boundaries, while remaining connected to a larger world at all times and receiving inspiration, encouragement, and practical help in the process.

Social media should be walm, so that everyone feels free to express themselves, respect others, and be appreciated in return. People all around the globe should be encouraged to engage with one another. More and more regular people should be paid attention to and their individuals’ sense of self-worth should be bolstered.

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1 Response to #Someone – a social media campaign with temperature

  1. sydhavely says:

    Excellent post and hopeful trend for TikTok, asking and saying that #someone has merit and truth for everyone. I’m wondering if it was a typo or that you meant the word “warm” when you wrote: “Social media should be walm, so that everyone feels free to express themselves, respect others, and be appreciated in return.” Nicely done and, as usual, very well written. Great post.

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